
We are building a technology company. Differently.

The world is full of gifted individuals, so why mine just 50% of the talent pool? We have learned that the key to a successful technology business is harnessing the brilliance of the best minds and putting them to work on a shared endeavor. That is how elite companies innovate, scale, and create new capabilities that change lives.

The technology sector is a male-dominated space, but we believe it doesn’t have to be. At Girl Power Talk, we deliberately have a feminist bias for one reason: Although talent is distributed equally across tech, opportunity is not. To acknowledge any other reality is to remain beholden to the ways of the past—and why would a tech company want to do that? At Girl Power Talk, women and nonbinary people work alongside their supportive male allies, creating one unstoppable talent force.

If you’re offered a seat on a rocket ship, don’t ask what seat! Just get on.

Sheryl Sandberg, COO of Facebook and Founder of LeanIn.org,

We are closing the gap. Bravely.

Why did we choose to become women in tech? Technology drives progress, and we want to be a part of that movement. We have the ability to innovate and scale as a company because we embrace diverse talent.

The gap in gender and leadership roles in the technology sector is wide, and it must be closed in a deliberate fashion, one woman and one girl at a time. We will not wait for this needed change to occur naturally. The notion that there is a biological reason for this gap—that men’s brains are naturally predisposed to STEM subjects, for example—is false. By providing unique opportunities for women, we are fearlessly doing our part to create a more empowered and gender-inclusive tech sector.

Average company’s percentage of Women in Tech roles

We are a culture of conscious inclusion. We proactively develop women in leadership. Women and men enter the workforce in roughly equal numbers, yet the opportunity set for women is limited relative to their male counterparts. We are changing that narrative. We commit to learning from women mentors. We celebrate gender diversity. Our progressive business model is driven by the strengths and competitive advantages offered by gender inclusion.

We are mentoring the female tech leaders the world needs. Proactively.

We aren’t just nurturing a female technology workforce, we are developing the tech sector’s women leaders of tomorrow. We give our team members the necessary range to cultivate critical tech skill sets in coding, UI/UX design, SEO, data science, and AI. However, our team’s growth opportunities are not limited to behind-the-screen skills.

Each of our team members is encouraged to use their voice, be creative, and mentor others. We impassion young women to excel at technology while also being well-rounded human beings and empathetic, effective leaders. They all speak publicly to share their skills and perspective with those who could use inspiration in their own career. Our goal is for our leaders to pass the torch as they climb the ladder of success.

“ I would like to be remembered as someone who was not afraid to do what she wanted to do, and as someone who took risks along the way in order to achieve her goals.”

Sally Ride, Physicist, NASA astronaut, and the first woman in space

Girl Power Talk uses AI to innovate. Intelligently.

AI and big data are playing increasingly large roles in our lives and businesses, and Girl Power Talk actively leverages both. AI has enormous potential, but it must be used ethically, and we consider ourselves ideal human stewards of this advanced technology. With our expertise behind it, AI can be a force for good as well as a catalyst for exceptional business growth.

We give women and girls opportunities to succeed in tech. Consciously.

One of our most closely held beliefs is that giving women opportunities to succeed in the burgeoning field of tech benefits everyone. That is why we are not only closing the gap directly by employing women in these positions but also striving to transmute valuable skills to women, especially in communities where such instruction is less available to women.

We have spearheaded outreach activities targeting school-age girls and marginalized women and encouraging them to consider coding and technology as a career path. We have spoken at universities and hosted free virtual boot camps for anyone who could use these advanced computer skills. The more knowledge we impart to young women, and to young people in general, the brighter the future we will create for everyone.